F.A. Wildcats Centre

 AFC Stoneham was delighted to be awarded a licence to operate an F.A. Wildcats Centre for girls in April 2018. 

Sport England and the F.A. have an objective to double girls participation in sport by 2022. The Wildcats Centres aim to inspire girls to engage with football, have fun, meet new friends and develop fundamental skills within an enjoyable and safe environment. 

We currently run our centre on a Monday evening at our new ground, Stoneham Lane Football Complex. Sessions are an hour long from 5-6pm.

If your daughter would like to get involved please contact Vicky on 07970 928521 or chairman@afcstoneham.co.uk

Saturday Morning Club

Our Saturday Morning Fun Club is run by qualified coaches club Jane and Brian at our grass pitches in Stoneham Lane at 9am.​

The idea is for young players to come along and join in on a "pay as you play" basis and have fun whilst learning the fundamental skills of the game. ​

The sessions are open for children from 4-11 and act as both an introduction to football and AFC Stoneham.

For further details please contact the club on 07841696579 or chairman@afcstoneham.co.uk.